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- Create Date Ekim 8, 2022
- Last Updated Ocak 9, 2023
It is given an overview of the organic legislation and standards, with partiular reference to the new EU Organic Regulation, listing its main principles. Other Organic International Standards are mentioned, including the IFOAM standard for organic production and processing and Demeter standard for orgnaic-biodynamic production systems.
Organic certification is described in its main process and activities distinguishing third party certification with participatory guarantee systems. Then the IFOAM PGS is described including services of recognition and promotion put in place by IFOAM OI.
Finally, main organic policies are noted, with references to the EU Rural Development Programs support policies and to the recent EU Farm to Fork Strategy, where organic farming is targeted to triple its present dimension to reach 25% of all EU agriculture land by 2030. In addition, a brief overview of rural development and organic agriculture in Turkey was given.
e-Module Editors
Candan Karakurt-Turkey
Dr. Bumin Emre Teke-Turkey
Dr. Bülent Bülbül-Turkey
e-Module Authors (by surname order)
Dr. Bülent Bülbül-Turkey
María de los Angeles Catalán Balmaseda-Spain
Dr. Antonio Compagnoni-Italy
Candan Karakurt-Turkey
Halil İbrahim Kınalı-Turkey
Begoña Lozano Diéguez-Spain
Alicia Martín Garcia de la Torre-Spain
Nicola Louise Noble -UK
Dr. Fatih Özdemir-Turkey
Dr. Gonzalo Palomo-Spain
Phil Stocker-UK
Mehmet Şenarslan-Turkey
Dr. Bumin Emre Teke-Turkey
Marcello Volanti-Italy