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  • Create Date Ekim 8, 2022
  • Last Updated Ocak 9, 2023

Animals for slaughter are classified as monocavitary and polycavitary or ruminants according to their digestive apparatus and nutritional physiology. In the agrosilvopastoral systems we have a great representative of the monocavitarians: the Iberian pig; being nowadays the only species that has a fattening system based solely on the natural resources of these systems, especially the Dehesa: the Montanera.
On the other hand, ruminants, due to their peculiar physiology of digestion and use of structural carbohydrates (cellulose and hemicellulose), could become great transformers of pasture into excellent quality meat, and at a low cost, as has been seen in various experiments.
The nutritional needs of domestic animals depend, among other factors, on the time of production and type of management, so that the intervention of managers is essential for the correct use of livestock, maximising yields and without compromising animal health and welfare. In this sense, new methods for diagnosing nutritional needs and disorders, such as Obsalim, can be a great ally for farmers and managers in making decisions on rationing and monitoring correct grazing.
The rules for organic production in agroforestry systems are laid down in Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products. Feed for organic animals must be based on feed from the farm itself or from organic production units in the same region. Fattening practices shall always respect the normal feeding patterns of each species, these animals shall have permanent access to pasture, which must be organic.

e-Module Editors
Candan Karakurt-Turkey
Dr. Bumin Emre Teke-Turkey
Dr. Bülent Bülbül-Turkey
e-Module Authors (by surname order)
Dr. Bülent Bülbül-Turkey
María de los Angeles Catalán Balmaseda-Spain
Dr. Antonio Compagnoni-Italy
Candan Karakurt-Turkey
Halil İbrahim Kınalı-Turkey
Begoña Lozano Diéguez-Spain
Alicia Martín Garcia de la Torre-Spain
Nicola Louise Noble -UK
Dr. Fatih Özdemir-Turkey
Dr. Gonzalo Palomo-Spain
Phil Stocker-UK
Mehmet Şenarslan-Turkey
Dr. Bumin Emre Teke-Turkey
Marcello Volanti-Italy
