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  • Create Date Ekim 8, 2022
  • Last Updated Ocak 9, 2023

With thousands of different livestock breeds across the globe, it is no wonder farmers are spoilt for choice when it comes to breeding. Selecting the right breed is critical when it comes to a successful farming business and even more important in organic systems due to the constraints of the organic regulations. Ideally, breeds should be chosen that are adapted to the local environment, disease resistant/resilient and able to thrive on the forage available.
Native, traditional and local breeds are usually the breed of choice in organic systems as they intrinsically have these traits.
The principles of methodical selective breeding began in the late 1790s and years of using this method gives rise to the breeds we use today. Advances in phenotypic and genotypic technologies have increased genetic gain within breeding programmes, leading to more productive and efficient farming.
e-Module Editors
Candan Karakurt-Turkey
Dr. Bumin Emre Teke-Turkey
Dr. Bülent Bülbül-Turkey
e-Module Authors (by surname order)
Dr. Bülent Bülbül-Turkey
María de los Angeles Catalán Balmaseda-Spain
Dr. Antonio Compagnoni-Italy
Candan Karakurt-Turkey
Halil İbrahim Kınalı-Turkey
Begoña Lozano Diéguez-Spain
Alicia Martín Garcia de la Torre-Spain
Nicola Louise Noble -UK
Dr. Fatih Özdemir-Turkey
Dr. Gonzalo Palomo-Spain
Phil Stocker-UK
Mehmet Şenarslan-Turkey
Dr. Bumin Emre Teke-Turkey
Marcello Volanti-Italy
